
“Look at the nations and watch—and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Contentment

Many Christians firmly believe that the latest world developments prove that we are close to the return of Christ, or at least that this pandemic was a very strong birth pang leading up to the end (Matthew 24:8). Others believe that this is the beginning of a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit—a revival of biblical and epic proportions (Matthew 24:14; Joel 2:28-32). And lastly, a growing number of Christians are looking at this in a more personal way. They are asking themselves, "What is God telling me to do with my life? What needs changing? Where should my priorities lie going forward?" Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Ethiopia

There are billions of devout, religious people around the world who are literally “scared to death” of dying. All the great world religions and their offshoot philosophies promise peace like a river, but none of them—no not one—can satisfy the human soul when it approaches eternity. Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- India

When hard times hit and people are searching for hope, a phrase we commonly hear in the West is: “There is light at the end of the tunnel.” We are beginning to hear that the peak of the pandemic has been reached in some countries and certain situations; and now these areas are laying plans as to how to reopen their economies. The people of the world are praying and hoping that human governments will lead them out of the darkest days we have seen for decades. Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- Vietnam

Vietnam—a country I will highlight today, as well as a national church that is experiencing an abundance of physical healings. Like nowhere on earth, this is a Church that stands firmly upon a verse found in Jeremiah 33:6 (NIV): Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it [Jerusalem];I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. Read more...

SIT REPORT: God is Still at Work- China

In our current world crisis, people are searching desperately for hope and answers. As believers in Christ, we possess this sought-after hope and live under the power of the Holy Spirit's presence within. If you project the hope that so many are searching for, you must be prepared to speak about Jesus, because people will ask why you are smiling in the face of turmoil Read more...

God is Still at Work (Israel)

Israel, as well as many other countries in the Western world, has always equated peace, contentment, and success with their health and wealth. It appears now that this philosophy of life is being questioned at its core. The Holy Spirit knew this revolution of thought was coming, and in 2019 led Empower to begin to saturate Israel with God's Word—the Bible—in many languages and formats. Tens of thousands of copies continue to be distributed throughout the country to seekers, newly landed immigrants, recently converted believers, and congregations/outreaches—FREE OF CHARGE! Read more...

The Holy Bible — Wholly True (Test)

The Bible isn't like any other book that's ever been written. The claims of the Bible are unlike any other book - it's not a human book! God called His Word living. But unless you have a rock-solid commitment to truth, the Bible won't change your life - it will only be so many words in a sea of words. Read more...

Cuba - Update on a Dire Situation

The economic and social situation in Cuba is worsening by the day. It appears that very little of this rapidly developing story is making the news, but in reality the conditions in Cuba are approaching the current state of the economy in Venezuela. Here is a brief summary of the latest, as forwarded to us by national church planting leadership in Cuba Read more...

The Truth About Faith

Is your faith weak? Are you perplexed because your faith doesn't seem to get results? Have you diligently prayed about a request and believed for it with all your heart-and it didn't happen? Even worse, the very opposite happened? A loved one was not healed. The desire of your heart was not granted - at least, not to your satisfaction. The miracle you needed has not yet come. Time drags on, and the problems are still there. Read more...


This is a true story taken from the 1894 edition of “Touching Incidents And Remarkable Answers To Prayer.” As you'll see, this wonderful story seems to speak to adults as well as to children. It's easy to see why Jesus urged the disciples to Permit the little children to come to Me, for to such as these belongs the kingdom of heaven.” (Luke 18:16) Read more...

Aggressive Christianity

We Christians profess to have in the Gospel of Christ a mighty lever which, rightly and universally applied, would lift the entire burden of sin and misery from the shoulders (that is from the souls) of our fellow man - a total remedy for all the moral and spiritual woes of humanity. Men are preoccupied with many things, and we need to bring this subject of salvation powerfully to their attention. Read more...


I am no prophet, nor am I the son of a prophet, but I do believe we're headed for some very dark times in this decade. I really believe in some places it's going to be rough to be a Christian. In many nations believers have already faced trouble and pressure. But what I want to look at here is a "dark time" that doesn't result from the persecution of the world. Read more...

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