Mob hears the Word Of God and The Holy Spirit Intervenes

An angry mob of men, upset about the growing number of new Christians in their village, surrounded the church.

Today there is an incredible opportunity to provide Bibles for the thousands of Ethiopian men and women coming to know Christ in their country. The church is expanding rapidly and trained national leadership and the Word of God are vital to its continued growth. New and exciting advancements are happening in the country as the people accept Jesus. When this kind of radical change occurs there is often conflict. Dedicated church planters in Ethiopia routinely visit remote villages to share the Gospel message with people who have never heard of Jesus. Most times the response is overwhelming. People long to know about the powerful God that believers share about so enthusiastically. One village welcomed a church planter and listened to his message on the Cross. Many came to know the Lord, and as the days went on others shared their testimony of redemption with dozens more turning to Jesus. Not long after the initial visit, a church was established, with new believers coming together multiple times a week to learn and to worship God. This caused great upheaval in the area.

One morning, the new believers gathered in the church to worship the Lord as they usually did, but what happened next was anything but usual. An angry mob of men, upset about the growing number of new Christians in their village, surrounded the church. While believers prayed inside, the men raged outside. They demanded that the worshippers face them. Eventually, some brave Christians decided to leave the safety of the church building to speak to the mob and share the Gospel. But the men immediately launched into a vicious attack beating the believers so severely that they were taken to the hospital. Sometime later, the pastor who oversees the area came to the church to preach. And while he was speaking, the same group of men came back. Once more they surrounded the building ready to cause trouble, but instead of screaming and demanding the Christians come out and face them everyone stood by quietly and listened to the pastor’s passionate message. Miraculously, everyone who came that day to seek and destroy ended up giving their lives to Christ, compelled by the Holy Spirit to seek redemption and forgiveness. These former angry men now have a testimony that is powerful and life-changing with many more coming to know the Lord daily.

In Revelation 22:17, it says: The Spirit and the Bride say come and let the one who hears say come, and let the one who is thirsty come and let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.

The Holy Spirit is moving in the hearts and minds of people worldwide, but in Ethiopia, an unstoppable revival is quenching the thirst of those seeking the water of life.

Miraculously, everyone who Miraculously, everyone who came that day to seek and destroy ended up giving their lives to Christ, compelled by the Holy Spirit to seek redemption and forgiveness.

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