Revival Unleashed: The Gospel's Global Impact

JOY: Welcome to Asked and Answered the podcast series that answers all your missions related questions with me in the studio today are Ron and Charis hi guys 


JOY: hi welcome back my question for you today is why is there such an outpouring of the Holy Spirit around the world globally you say many times that this is like nothing you’ve ever seen before taken from the book of acts kind of thing 

RON: yeah and that that’s exactly true in fact I’m asked this question probably now more than any other question and that’s why it was fresh on my thinking recently it’s it’s because everything is falling apart all at the same time and at at at in the conjunction with that the world religions who we’ve fallen back on for thousands of years to answer the questions of life in various regions the Hinduism the Buddhism the Islam Christianity all of them are supposed to be there to give clarity as to what meaning is all about in this life and the following life all that sort of thing you know as the world falls apart these world religions as a whole are not there to answer the questions therefore we have a problem and that’s where people are being caught in the middle of this dilemma that they’re in sort of like what’s going on here and now that we’re tied together all throughout the world by the Internet travel the English language is becoming far and wide more the secondary language in all these countries so now everything is coming so that people are getting together maybe on emails and all the news networks and all that sort of stuff they’re comparing their ideas one with another and everybody’s starting to throw up their arms and say I’m scared and that is the big thing that’s happening today the world is basically scared and now in these end times as it was sort of prophesied in regards to this everything is starting to crumble at their feet all the security areas that they used to hold on to you could trust this event or this government or this religion or we could trust this happening and therefore everything’s OK 

RON: now it’s exact opposite and this is only really happened in the last I’m going to say 20 to 30 years and that’s when the national churches of the world as we talked about rose up to take the good news and to take the calming news to the people in their own countries is that sort of the area that we’re talking right 

JOY: and so when we talk about revival it’s we don’t talk about it a lot in North America but we’ll we’ll go there in a minute it’s happening in countries all around the world we’re talking India China Serbia all the places that we talk about and there’s a common thread of just hunger by the word of God 

RON: ohh it is and you see somebody wants to find something that’s definitive because truth now is being spread around in various forms suppose the truth and most of it is just based upon a person’s own ideas for their thoughts or their history or something like that or their opinions and we we throw around words like conspiracy theory alright just forget about the word conspiracy just go for theory in other words it’s they’re theorizing as to what the meaning of everything is but what we’re looking for as human beings is somebody in great authority who says this is what’s going on I have a better picture of this and God is the best picture in heaven of what has happened past present and future he created everything he created us he gave us consciousness to try to understand what the world is all about and not only that and I’m folks I’m holding now in my hand a Bible and he’s given this the pages in this book that say this is the this is this is the history this is what truth is all about that’s why Jesus said I am the way the truth and the light and he is the truth that’s why right now you’ve got all these people and all these countries coming to the Lord all of a sudden they’re discovering haha we’ve been looking in the wrong spot for thousands of years for instance what we’re we talked about all the time in India you know they were into Buddhism for 3000 years I think it is or something like that now there’s this huge turning to God in India and it’s being it’s it’s being spread by people who’ve discovered the truth written in God’s word but the reality of Jesus as being the son of God and that there is one God who is in control of everything not a billion gods but one God and therefore there’s excitement so you’ve got fear being replaced by excitement and the fear was caused by all the wars and the rumors of wars and everything falling apart in their own countries now that confusion and that trepidation is being transferred into knowing God and that is a revival when that happens in large numbers also in many countries there’s a desperation and that if the economy is falling apart if governments are falling apart if like you talked about wars and rumors of wars there’s a desperation to find what the meaning of life is and as you said all these different religions are failing them and you have these national workers who are sharing the the love of Jesus the excitement that that makes a hunger for them but that desperation that it’s evident ohh it’s evident in in cares we’ve sat at tables with some of these leaders around the world of these national church planning movements and all these countries they have the same answer it’s sort of like our people are taking the answer to our people in other words it’s not a foreigner coming in and telling us this is what life’s all about because now the trust level around the world both in governments as well as what you’re reading on the Internet there’s always the turning of the head a little bit I don’t know if this is right or not some people jump in with two feet and they get lost in it and it’s sort of like this is the guru and you did you get this news and everything like that well other people are sitting there saying I don’t know these are foreigners they live in another country they don’t know our ways I just don’t know but if you get one of their own countrymen speaking their own language of their own culture them coming to know the Lord and them saying I’ve discovered this and that’s what’s going on in Ethiopia right now with the great revival well there it’s there people going and saying we finally discovered what we’ve been looking for and it’s going wild but it’s their people same thing in the India thing like we talked about they’re taking people like in this one group that I was just with they had these 16 villages in this one area and I said to the guys in leadership I said so how are you going to train pastors for all these 16 churches always we’ve already done it and we’re doing it we’re taking people from their own communities that they trust that speak their own language that know their own history that know their own culture we’re taking these guys and some of the best of the best greatest and we’re taking them away to Bible schools to learn and then they will go back and they will teach their own people and why I said and they said why don’t I said why don’t you send somebody else in he says well that’s their own people they trust them that’s huge now who can we trust yeah and they’re trusting their own people that have discovered the truth not a foreign voice or a foreign skin and when I say that whatever color that skin is they’re not they’re not depending upon them they’re now knowing really to somebody that they’ve looked into their eyes they speak the same language and they say did you find God or not and the person says yes it’s real change my life transform me I’ve got a book here for you to read this is where the instructions are that’s what’s going on all over the world right now that never happened 4 like this 

CHARIS: one thing you mentioned briefly is how it’s happening in country after country and I find it fascinating we always talk about you know the Lord’s plan and how he’s got a plan and you’re you’re famous for saying there’s no panic in heaven but we go from country to country meeting with partner after partner and it’s as if there is a master plan because they don’t they don’t sit down and plan what the strategy is between countries but the plan is evident that it it’s it’s almost like it’s recreating itself over and over again different cultures different different tweaks on it but you really it’s it’s very evident that it’s the Lord’s plan it 

RON: in the in the book of acts what we have is the church growing and you can tell in there like you’re saying here is this there’s a master plan that Jesus the Holy Spirit God the father all three put together in one they worked on establishing that church and it was organized it was a plan that was being taken it spread all around the world we’re the effect of that back then of the spreading of it back then now here all around the world Matthew 2818 to 20 go into all the world preach the gospel make disciples etcetera etcetera all of that was going on back then well now the same knitting together of the church is happening today like you just said and that plan it’s going from country to country country to country and it I I I guess I’m going to get political here just for one second alright politicians stand up and they say we have a plan we’ve got the truth we’ll fix everything people all around the world are really now disappointed in politics there’s a whole they’re watching their political systems dissolve they can’t trust human beings with a plan they want to know God’s plan they want to know that everything’s OK for eternity and that’s the big difference you know you look into countries like China where everything’s falling apart when the leaders there said to us recently he he’s he’s got the second largest host church network in the entire country 1215 million whatever it is like that and he says communism is a business biggest disappointment to the Chinese people it’s sort of like they don’t trust it anymore you gotta be nuts to to to follow this plan that they had because they said follow us we’ve got a plan the economy’s getting good we’ll have heaven on earth under communism doesn’t work now the country a billion people or more one point whatever billion people are all disappointed except for the little group of people at the top who’ve got all control and control the army and the power and they’re very very happy 99% of the people know it doesn’t work and that’s why joy it’s happening today the world falls apart God builds his church all is well in heaven there is no panic here that’s exactly true there’s no panic so this is the important thing that people have got to realize today why is it happening why are we spreading this news to everyone that we come in contact with it in power it’s simple to give hope you know I go into churches after churches and I get up at the front and I’m the voice of one crying in a wilderness of despair saying it’s OK yeah Jesus is building his church in all of these countries so it’s not a matter of relaxing and sort of like not doing anything but it’s relaxing in our spirit to know that God is in control he still called us to help and to and to invest and to help these national brothers and sisters to take the message to their own people we’re not gonna just sit there and do nothing but in our hearts we have to have some peace and that’s why the world has no peace and Jesus talked about this there is no peace out side of Jesus and the world is discovering it that’s your answer 

JOY: well thank you guys 

RON: that only took 12 minutes to give you that one little answer but it’s there 

JOY: if I had more questions which I always do but I will hold them for another time did you know that on our website ron​pearce​.org we have podcast teachings devotionals situation reports and so much more For more information please visit ron​pearce​.org

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