A Life on the Run

Ling was a successful businesswoman from a wealthy communist family living in China. She accepted Jesus as her Savior as a young woman, after hearing the Gospel and encountering the transforming love of God. Ling knew that she wanted to serve God in a real and tangible way. This led her to work with local church planters. This is where she met Fen, a pastor with a passion for reaching the lost in China. Ling knew almost immediately that the Lord was calling her to marry Fen, and she understood that the life of a pastor’s wife in China was difficult. Ling wrestled with the decision for three months, each day praying very hard for clarity and wisdom. She knew the Lord was asking her to build a life with Fen. Yet, it was not an easy decision to make. Not when she knew the suffering it would inevitably bring. But Ling finally said, Lord, yes I will obey you.” Instantly, after making the choice to marry, the Holy Spirit filled her with a great peace in her heart. A few years after marrying, Ling and Fen welcomed their first child. When the baby was five days old, the police came and arrested Fen, and Ling was forced to take her baby and flee. The authorities added her name to their wanted list, causing the young woman to go into hiding. During her time on the run, dozens of Christian families took her and the baby into their homes, despite risking arrest themselves. Lots of people were willing to host us,” she said, Even knowing what the consequences could be! Through this, we experienced God’s love.” Despite all the danger and upheaval, the Lord kept Ling’s family safe and continued to shelter them. Jesus has never let them down and though they still endure trials in their daily lives, and risk everything for the Gospel, they do so with hearts full of joy and peace.

In Psalm 12:5, we have this comforting promise: Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy, now I will arise says the Lord, I will set him in the safety for which he longs.

As Christians, we will face uncertainty, persecution, and suffering but the God we serve promises us His protection. Ling chose to obey God, even with the clear picture of the danger she faced, and He has never once left her side.

When the baby was five days old the police came and arrested Finn.

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