400 Muslim Women Surrender to Jesus
There is a great hungering for the word of God right now in Ethiopia. Thousands are returning to their spiritual roots. They fully understand who God is and how He can transform them. As well, thousands upon thousands of Muslims are turning to Christ. The Holy Spirit is guiding these men and women to find their next steps. In one Islamic community, a few women came to the church planter that had been proclaiming Jesus and the Gospel and they asked him, “What does Jesus think about divorce?” The church planter pondered the question carefully and prayerfully before finally answering, “Well, Jesus does not want anyone to divorce; He loves the sanctity of marriage and desires for couples to remain married,” he told the women.

It wasn’t what they expected to hear. In the Muslim culture, a man can divorce his wife by merely saying the word ‘talaq’ three times. This is the Arabic word for ‘I want a divorce’. And the effect, well, it’s instantaneous. After listening to the church planter, the women were overcome with emotion that God would care about them when their own culture doesn’t seem to. 400 Muslim women gave their hearts to Jesus that day. They embraced the truth as God embraced them.
The church planter understood God’s heart for marriage and what Paul meant in Ephesians 5:31 – 32 when he said: For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and shall be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is a great reference to Christ and the Church.
Today, hundreds of Muslim women who once believed they held little worth in the eyes of God now understand just how absolutely precious they are.